Jorge Ribalta: Itinerarios XXVIII | Centro Botin, Santander

Lisbeth Thalberg
Jorge Ribalta, Variaciones Güell, 2023 | Cortesía del artista / Courtesy of the artist

This Saturday, November 18th, the exhibition Itinerarios XXVIII opens its doors to the public at the Centro Botin (Santander). In it Jorge Ribalta presents Variaciones Güell, a project of photographic observation of current and historical places and environments of the Güell family. Juan Güell and Antonio López were emblematic «indianos» entrepreneurs in the industrial Barcelona of the 19th century, architects of the monarchic Restoration in Spain and the protectionist economic model, as well as the origin of a family dynasty that would have its «prince» in Eusebio Güell, patron of the architect Gaudí at the turn of the century.  This project is an observation of this legacy in the Barcelona-Comillas axis and a questioning of the current meaning of the historical disappearance of the bourgeoisie.

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